Bespoke data analysis, consultancy and research solutions providing evidence to inform the curriculum and strategic planning.

Our specialist consultants will work with you to understand your needs and develop practical research methodologies and solutions. RCU offers using a full range of quantitative and qualitative research techniques including data analysis, surveys. focus groups and stakeholder interviews.
Areas of experience include learner recruitment, local skills needs, employer and learner perceptions, structural change, quality issues and travel to learn patterns.
Unrivalled understanding of post-16 education and skills data
No other organisation comes close to RCU’s understanding of post-16 Further Education and Higher Education data. Our specialist researchers and data analysts use highly innovative techniques to bring learner data to life, linking it to key socio-economic data and other national datasets. This provides quick and flexible access to market intelligence to inform strategy and curriculum planning.
Recruitment and curriculum SWOT analysis to inform the strategic marketing plan
Local Market Analysis, including student and employer perceptions research to challenge declining market share
Pre-merger and post-merger market analysis reports to identify the combined potential or strengths of merged organisations
Staff surveys
Structures and Prospects Appraisal (SPA) support and local market analysis for colleges
Regional analysis of the potential undergraduate and access to Higher Education market to inform recruitment and portfolio planning
Analysis of the impact and profile of Higher Education delivered in FE Colleges
Impact of devolution on adult skills budgets for combined authorities
Applicant non-arrival surveys
Simon Kirby
Director of Marketing and Communications,
Nottingham College