MiDES In-Year Retention Report

Review and compare your college's learner retention trends

The MiDES In-Year Retention Report has been designed to enable AoC member colleges review and compare retention within their own institution with the national picture or other selected comparator groups (such as by region, provider type, deprivation band).

The report contains an interactive tool which enables users to anlayse learner retention by a range of items including subject area and qualification level, learner characteristic (gender, ethnicity, LLDD), qualification type for both 16-19 funded and adult funded learner groups. There are also separate charts available to review and compare retention on A-Level, AS and GCSE courses.

The report is initially released in January each year following the collection of the R04 ILR and is updated again in March, June and October using the latest R06, R10 and R13 ILR data submitted by college members.

This enables colleges not only to track how their in-year retention compares to others, but to see how retention varies within their own college across different subject areas or others variables, and identify those learner groups achieving higher or lower than average rates of retention. Since this is reported in-year, it also enables the college to make and monitor the effectiveness of any interventions within target learner groups.

To download the latest report please visit the MiDES website.

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MiDES is a shared service developed by RCU for the Association of Colleges. AoC member colleges submit their learner data to the secure MIDES data server creating a new sector-owned dataset. This creates a hugely powerful data resource for members that provides unique in-year benchmarking information.
