New MIDES reports available for AoC member colleges including the brand new Apprenticeships Report
Following our recent collection of the 2018/19 R04 ILR from AoC and MiDES member colleges in England, we are really pleased to have released the first of the new benchmarked data reports for this academic year.
The reports which are now available to member colleges include the:
- – Recruitment Trends and Curriculum Profile Report
- – In-Year Retention Analysis Report; and the
- – New College Apprenticeships Report
All of the MiDES reports enable colleges to compare their own learner recruitment, curriculum and performance against other college groups, using selected benchmarks such as the nation or regional average or by provider type (GFE or Sixth Form College).
New Apprenticeships Report for Colleges
Following feedback from our further education college members and the increased focus on apprenticeships within the sector, we are excited to introduce the brand-new report which enables colleges to compare their apprenticeship recruitment profile (number of starts, on-programme, withdrawals and completers) to selected benchmarks. The various options available for analysis within the new report include:
- – Subject Area by Framework / Standard
- – Subject Area by Levy / Non-Levy
- – Subject Area by Level
- – Month
Example College Apprenticeships Report (Analysis by Subject Area and Level)
The new, easy to use report now provides useful comparisons of apprenticeship recruitment by sector subject area (tier 2) and can be split by Level, Framework/Standard or Levy/Non-Levy funded.
Colleges can now use the new Apprenticeships Report to benchmark their provision with others, exploring for example, whether there is more opportunity to deliver apprenticeships at a higher level and in which subject areas the greatest demand exists. In addition, the analysis by month option enables colleges to monitor and compare new apprenticeships starts, withdrawals, completions or total volume of learners on programme with other provider groups on a month by month basis.
This new level of analysis therefore enables colleges to identify potential opportunities for change or growth and provides more evidence to support business development and curriculum planning activity.
The new Apprenticeships Report will be updated for member colleges at regular points throughout the year, as per the latest MiDES data upload and reporting calendar.
For more information and to access MiDES reports currently available for your college, visit: or email us at