MiDES Apprenticeships Report

Using the MiDES Apprenticeships Report to inform your College offer

The MiDES Apprenticeships Report provides a facility for AoC member colleges to carry out analysis of the Apprenticeship market. The report contains four separate analysis tools so users can review and compare their own apprenticeship offer to national picture or other comparator groups (including region and deprivation band). These four analysis tools include:

  • Analysis of apprenticeships by month
  • Analysis by subject area and qualification level (intermediate, advanced and higher)
  • Analysis by framework or standard
  • Analysis by levy or non-levy funded

Within each analysis tool users can review apprenticeship numbers within the academic year for starts, on-programme, withdrawals and completers and drill down by a range of additional variables including by age band and learner characteristic (gender, ethnicity and LLDD).

The report is initially released in January each year following the collection of the R04 ILR and is updated again in March, June and October using the latest R06, R10 and R13 ILR data submitted by college members.

To download the latest report please visit the MiDES website.

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MiDES is a shared service developed by RCU for the Association of Colleges. AoC member colleges submit their learner data to the secure MIDES data server creating a new sector-owned dataset. This creates a hugely powerful data resource for members that provides unique in-year benchmarking information.
