Learner Progression Report

Comparing learner progression within your college to the national and regional benchmarks

The Learner Progression Report provides a unique comparison for AoC member colleges on the percentage of learners who progressed from the previous academic year to continue their learning in the new academic year.

TheĀ  report is released in January each year, following the collection of the R04 ILR submitted by college members which is compared to the previous full year-end position recorded on the R14 ILR.

The report enables colleges to review learner progression overall and for individual subject areas by highest qualification level. Users can compare whether the percentage of learners progressing within their institution, on to a course at the same or higher qualification level, is in line with progression at other providers.

Users can also compare the profile for individual funding streams (16-19 and adult funded learners) and learner characteristic (gender and ethnicity) for more detailed and targeted comparisons with the MiDES benchmarks (national, region. provider type, deprivation)

To download the latest report please visit the MiDES website.

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MiDES is a shared service developed by RCU for the Association of Colleges. AoC member colleges submit their learner data to the secure MIDES data server creating a new sector-owned dataset. This creates a hugely powerful data resource for members that provides unique in-year benchmarking information.
