Summary of Level 3 Progress Measure (Value Added) & English and Maths Progress

Summary of Level 3 Progress Measure (Value Added) & English and Maths Progress

Using data taken from published the latest DfE Performance Tables, this annual summary report has been developed for AoC member colleges. The report enables college members to to benchmark their 16-18 progress scores against the other colleges, by provider type (e.g GFE or SFC).

The report includes separate value added charts for academic qualifications and applied general qualifications, plus GCSE English and GCSE maths progress.

Within the report, colleges can identify their value added scores alongside their grade given by DfE (above or below national average) and their relative ranking within the AoC member college comparator group.

Value Added Methodology

Level 3 value added scores tell you how much progress students who studied academic/applied general qualifications at your school or college made between the end of key stage 4 and the end of their academic/applied general qualifications studies, compared to similar students across England.

The scores are calculated by comparing the academic/applied general qualifications results of students at your school or college with the academic/applied general qualifications results of students in schools and colleges across England who started with similar results at the end of key stage 4.

A score below zero means students made less progress, on average, than students across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 4. A negative progress score does not mean students made no progress, or the school or college has failed, rather it means students in your school or college made less progress.

Confidence Intervals

It is difficult to say with certainty how much the progress scores are down to the individual college (which may have scored higher with a different group of students) and how much is down to the students (for example some may have performed well at any school or college). The confidence intervals shown in the report therefore reflect this uncertainty and are used to determine the grade which would be shown as:

  • – Well above national average
  • – Above national average
  • – Below national average
  • – Well below national average

English and Maths

The English and Maths scores show how much progress students made in English and maths qualifications such as GCSE re-takes, between the end of key stage 4 and the end of the 16 to 18 phase of education. A positive score means that, on average, students got higher grades at 16 to 18 than at key stage 4. A negative score means that, on average, students got lower grades than at key stage 4.

Students are included in these measures if they did not achieve a grade C or higher in their GCSE or equivalent by the end of key stage 4 in that subject.

Download your report

This report is available for AoC member colleges in England to download via the MiDES website.

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