
Explore the College Summary Dashboard for Curriculum Insights

Our new College Summary Dashboard brings together key data from the Vector platform to provide a comprehensive view of your college’s performance across different curriculum areas. Highlighting your market share and trends across the local 16-19 learner market, adult learner market, and apprenticeships, it enables you to easily track valued metrics.

What is it?

The College Summary Dashboard offers a powerful starting point for curriculum planning and strategic decision-making. With subject and geography drill-down capabilities, it provides insights into local learner participation and your college’s market share over the past four years. This enables you to assess your relative position and the level of competition within the local learner market.

Key Features:

  • A high-level summary of your local learner market performance
  • All key data and insights accessible within a single page for convenience
  • Filters to focus on specific subjects or geographical areas of interest
  • Access to 4-year market share and participation trend data for in-depth analysis

Find out more:

Want to see the College Summary Dashboard in action? Watch our short video demonstration below to explore how it can help your college gain valuable insights and plan with confidence.

