To coincide with the start of the new academic year, we are delighted to introduce Vector 3.0 – the leading learner market insight tool in the further education sector.
The popular and powerful Vector is the only tool available in the post-16 education sector which provides detailed insight into all the core learner funding streams alongside local labour market and skills. Combining national ILR, schools and HESA data with local labour market and skills needs, Vector has been specifically designed to provide colleges with clear and robust evidence to ensure they are meeting the needs of the local community.
One of the most significant changes in the new Ofsted Inspection framework is the ‘quality of education judgment’ which provides greater scrutiny of the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum. If you are looking for greater insight into local skills demand to support your curriculum planning at a strategic and local level, Vector 3.0 is for you.
What’s new in Vector 3.0?
This year, as well as all the latest data, the new Vector market insight tool includes:
- – New 16-18 learner projections tool – to forecast and model future demand.
- – New Higher Education Module – combining HESA and ILR data for a much greater insight into the local HE market.
- – New LMI and Local Skills Demand Module – for greater insight into the profile of employment and skills needs in your local area.
If you would like any further information about the latest Vector tool or if you are interested in a quick demo to see how Vector can be of benefit to your college, we would love to hear from you.