This valuable MiDES report provides an annual snapshot of GCSE Maths and English examination results for AoC member colleges.
The report is based on achievement data included within the R13 ILR submitted by members to MiDES and enables colleges to compare results for their own institution with the national MiDES benchmark.
The report identifies and compares data within the following categories:
- – Previously taken GCSE Maths and English grades for all 16-19 funded learners
- – GCSE English achieved grades, 9-4 pass rates and progress for learners who started with a grade 3/D or 2/E
- – GCSE Maths achieved grades, 9-4 pass rates and progress for learners who started with a grade 3/D or 2/E
- – Functional Skills English Level 1 and Level 2 pass rates and progress
- – Functional Skills Maths Level 1 and Level 2 pass rates and progress
The GCSE English and Maths report will be updated again in November using the year-end R14 ILR data submitted by college members as per the MiDES Calendar.
To download the latest report please visit the MiDES website.
MiDES is a shared service developed by RCU for the Association of Colleges. AoC member colleges submit their learner data to the secure MIDES data server creating a new sector-owned dataset. This creates a hugely powerful data resource for members that provides unique in-year benchmarking information.