News & Events

New Learner Progression Report available for Colleges

A new benchmarked data report on Learner Progression has been sent out to colleges today which has been developed using 2020/21 year-end R14 ILR and 2021/22 R04 ILR data collected from around 240 colleges.

The report provides a comparison between the individual college and other comparator groups (such as national, regional and provider type) on the percentage of learners who completed their learning in 2020/21 and went on to enrol at the same college in 2021/22.

It enables users to view learner progression by highest level of learning and to compare whether the percentage of learners progressing to the same or indeed a higher level qualification at their college is in line with wider benchmarks.

To download your college report please visit the MiDES website.

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MiDES is a shared service developed by RCU for the Association of Colleges. AoC member colleges submit their learner data to the secure MIDES data server creating a new sector-owned dataset. This creates a hugely powerful data resource for members that provides unique in-year benchmarking information.

