News & Events

R14 ILR data collection

We are now collecting the 2021/22 R14 ILR data from all AoC member colleges.

The R14 data will be used to provide benchmarked reports on 2021/22 performance data (including grade profiles) as well as updated reports on GCSE maths and English and functional skills.

Please note, the deadline for uploading the R14 ILR is Thursday 3rd November.

The reports based on the R14 data will be available to all participating colleges in early November.

ILRs should be anonymised prior to uploading to MiDES. This can be done using the MiDES ILR Anonymiser tool which can be accessed at:

Once your R14 ILR has been anonymised please then upload the full zip file created to the MIDES website.

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For any questions or additional support please get in touch.

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