
Monitoring Learner Progression within Colleges

New MIDES Learner Progression Report available for AoC member colleges

Monitoring the progression of learners between years of study within the college is an important and valuable process, especially when progression rates can be compared to wider benchmarks such as the national or regional average. It provides answers to questions such as:

  • – how many of our Level 2 learners progressed to Level 3, and how does this compare to other providers?
  • – Which subject areas show the greatest rates of progression to a higher qualification level within the College?

Having access to this level of insight enables colleges to make important judgments and decisions concerning the curriculum or performance. It helps to ensure that the right opportunities are available for learners to progress within their chosen subject areas.

This is why we are really pleased to have produced the new learner progression report for AoC member colleges participating in the MiDES service.

Example of the new Learner Progression Report

The Learner Progression Report provides member colleges with a comparison to a range of benchmarks (including national, regional and provider type) on the percentage of learners completing a course in 2017/18 who went on to enrol at the same college in 2018/19. Users can view progression by highest qualification level and identify whether learners continued at the same level or progressed to a higher qualification level, to see whether the college profile is in line with other providers.

College users can also select individual funding streams, subject areas and learner characteristics (including gender and ethnicity) to carry out more detailed and targeted comparisons with other providers.

All member colleges who sent in their ILR data to MiDES will now be able to download the latest report direct from the MIDES website:


Also, in case you missed it, last week saw the release of a few other popular benchmarked MiDES reports for colleges, including the:

  • – Learner Recruitment Trends and Curriculum Profile Report
  • – In-Year Learner Retention Analysis Report; and the
  • – New Apprenticeships Report

All the MiDES reports will be updated for member colleges at regular points throughout the year, as per the latest MiDES data upload and reporting calendar.

For more information and to access MiDES reports currently available for your college, visit: or email us at


